
Jeremy Oddy

I grew up in a Christian home just south of Jacksonville, Florida. My family went to church regularly and I became aware enough of the gospel to fear and believe in God but never put my faith in Jesus and follow and love Him until age 23. Before coming to Christ, I lived for myself in every way. My passions and goals in life were filled with worldly desires and selfish ambition. To be honest, I enjoyed that life until God used a dark moment during a break up with an ex-girlfriend to get my attention. It was then when the Spirit of God convicted me of my rebellion and flooded my mind with memories of all those who witnessed to me over the years; the gospel truth became alive to my dead heart and became light to my spiritual blindness. I surrendered to Christ and began to have new passions and purpose to live for Jesus. Loving Jesus and loving his people, by the grace of God, became instinctively to me.

Soon after, I met Becky. Her joy for the Lord amazed me and she quickly became my best friend and wife in 1995. In the same year, I graduated from the University of North Florida with a degree in marketing. A couple of years later after working in the business world, we moved to the Raleigh area so I could attend the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. There my heart for discipleship and pastoral ministry grew. By God’s grace, I completed the Master of Divinity and Master of Theology degrees. In 2006, we relocated to Charlotte to become members of Crossway with the hopes of one day being in pastoral ministry. In 2009, I served as a workplace chaplain with several companies in the Charlotte area, one of which was Coca-Cola Bottling Company. In 2011, I joined the staff at Crossway as one of the pastors to help with discipling and pastoral care. In addition, another privilege I now have is serving as a church planter recruiter, mentor, and coach for our denomination, Sovereign Grace Churches.

My wonderful wife, Becky, and I have six amazing children. Life in our home is never dull with a few cries here and there and lots of laughter (with and at each other).

My Hope for Crossway

For us to play a central role in God’s story as that place where God’s renewing power is at work to form and nurture a faithful, diverse kingdom community. Therefore, as God’s people, we join His mission of making disciples as a community deeply rooted in the gospel, who love Christ supremely, who love each other sacrificially, and who love our city compassionately.