We're Humbled by and Grateful for Your Partnership
“But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.” - 1 Chronicles 29:14
We serve a generous God who lavishes His goodness and grace upon us. The greatest gift of all is His Son, Jesus Christ, sent into our world to redeem us. As an expression of gratitude and worship, we respond by offering our lives to Him.
Thank you for demonstrating this through your generous giving. Without your faithful financial partnership, we could not accomplish the same degree of gospel ministry here in Charlotte and across the globe.
Ways to Give
Crossway Community Church 6400 Prosperity Church Road Charlotte, NC 28269
Online giving can be used to make a one-time contribution or to schedule a recurring contribution.
Text to Tithe
Text amount to 84321 then complete one-time account setup. Save number as a contact. In the future simply text any amount to this contact.
Partner Giving
Alongside Families
We have enjoyed partnering with Alongside Families for several years now and watching God work through our church as many have opened their hearts to care for families in need and opened their homes to temporarily host at-risk children.
Hope Street Food Pantry
Our friends at Hope Church opened a food pantry right here in our community. We have witnessed God grow and expand this ministry for his glory. It has been a joy to partner with them through food donations, volunteering time, and giving financially.
[M28] Campus Outreach
Our campus outreach interns and assistant director depend upon the generous support of church members, family, and friends to raise funds while they serve on staff. To meet our current [M28] interns, view the M28 website.
Rancho 3M
Rancho 3M is a Christian orphanage and school located in Guadalupe, Mexico. Rancho 3M is on a mission to care for and disciple abandon children for God’s glory. To learn more about ways we partner with Rancho 3M see the Global Outreach page.
Sovereign Grace Churches
It is a joy to be a part of Sovereign Grace Churches, a family of churches with a mission to build gospel-centered churches by God’s grace, for God’s glory. Give to SGC as a whole or to a specific continent development fund.