Ladies, God Has Beautifully Created and Uniquely Gifted Us as Women
Women Together
Our aim is to help women live as disciples who find their identity in Christ and live in worshipful
communities on mission. We do this through Bible Studies, Coaching & Care, Discipleship Groups,
and Serving Opportunities both in the church and in our city with the hope to build community,
grow as sisters in Christ, use our gifts, and flourish as women.
All to God's glory!
communities on mission. We do this through Bible Studies, Coaching & Care, Discipleship Groups,
and Serving Opportunities both in the church and in our city with the hope to build community,
grow as sisters in Christ, use our gifts, and flourish as women.
All to God's glory!
Sister, come connect and grow with us.
Women's Gathering
Join us for a morning to connect with friends new and old, to be encouraged by ways God has been at work in our women’s ministry, and to launch our spring women’s groups. All ladies are invited. We’d love to have every one of you!
Discipleship Groups
New groups will launch in the spring of 2024.
Women’s Coaching & Care
We are not meant to walk our Christian life alone. Are you are in need of a friend to help you process life and apply the life-giving, grace-full truths of the gospel to a specific situation?